Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Jump

“There is nothing more dangerous than to leap a chasm in two small jumps.”

Throughout my life I have heard variants on the above quote that today, when staring at my blank document, seemed flat out, bulls’eye, dead on. As I then remembered I had no idea who actually stated the above wisdom, I did what any smartie these days does: googled it, of course. So while Wikipedia attributes the quote to some random British politician, it also indicates that various Chinese, Russian, Greek, African and American folklore lay claim to the wise insight that some decisions, some actions and some accomplishments simply require a significant amount of kinetic energy with a life of its own. Going for it in a sort-of-kind-of-way just does not cut it at times. Back it up, get moving, and *go for it*. She who hesitates is not just lunch, but a free fall heap landing no where near intended.

With a nod to a lovely sense of cosmic gestation, it was just about 9 months ago I returned to the US after nearly a decade overseas in various regions. The professional aspects of that time, as well as many more personal dimensions, shadow box with the more present experiences of the more recent and present repatriation. Over the last months, I’ve experienced a range of emotions that ebb and flow like some kind of life tide table –certain times are high, low, in between, and always helixing back towards a natural cycle of the human experience.  And as a long time writer, sometime editor and always opinioned gal, I’ve started shifting through various ideas, writings, illustrations, sketchings and photos that now seem to come together a bit more closely in their own tectonic way to take shape in the form of this posting site.

The purpose of these upcoming writings, if there is one now or ever, is to muse and reflect on what it means for me to be back here, to have been *there*, and to offer highly individualized and therefore subjective and personalized takes on that fascinating, complex and ridiculously entertaining idea of *global citizenship* in the context of returning back to the US. Now now, don’t get carried away and think that reading this site means you have to comb your hair, get your morning coffee and sit up straight. Nope. It’s just some stuff I’m writing, and from time to time, maybe others will chime in with a guest appearance or just weigh in through comments below. But the point is, like it or not, each of us goes home at some point. Maybe to stay, maybe not for long, and maybe just through our own memories or minds’ eye. Home can change in context and comfort. But we do go home, in whatever form that takes for us.  Let's take a look, shall we?


  1. Count me in for this particular ride, Claude - wouldn't miss it!

    Look forward to what's around the corner.

    Mr Bish

  2. You know I will "follow" you anywhere. Let's make some memories. - lynett
